italian note/not about bugs/xlated

theora jones (
Fri, 19 May 1995 18:11:16 -0400 (EDT)

re: the italian note posted here.

so everyone does not rush out and get their italian to whatever
dictionary, here is a xlation of the note posted here earlier today.


the note in italian had nothing to do with bugs or any system other
than the excretory and digestive systems of the Cardinal. Apparently
he (whoever he is) got drunk, ate a little nut of some sort, swallowed
it, and gave him a stomach ache. probably cause someone found out he was
drunk, there were rumours of his being sent to the alcoholic unit of
some psych hospital. here is the xlation:


 it is my duty to clarify the confusion that is being created in your    
 minds: i talked with the cardinal this morning, and he confided to me   
 that it is not a case of kidney calcification (?) [this means
 kidney stone] (which is the official version)
 but rather of a little nut ingested during the course of      
 wild libation, which has travelled from the (marasma cloacale) of       
 the (something) of the alcogol, through a kidney, and then down into    
 the large intestine.                                                    

 good luck meant that it didnt go towards the liver, which is already  
 under great stress, and would certainly have exploded as a result of  
 this new and terrible aggravation.                                    

 the cardinal hopes there will be early relief (in all the senses) but he 
 is not being transferred fro his office to the alcoholism department     
 of psychiatric treatment. let us pray for him.                           

 the mastiff

we now return you to your regularly scheduled broadcast.
